20 April 2012 10:04

 Forsaking his beloved wind instruments, session musician Mick Allgood aimed to hit a high note with the young and not so young members of Dhekelia Garrison by demonstrating the art of bowmanship recently.
The former Royal Anglian, a qualified archery instructor, aimed to use a ‘Try-Day’ held in Dhekelia Garrison’s Scout Wood to see if the idea of launching an archery club was ‘on target’ or would be blown away by the sea breeze off Larnaca Bay.
With the help of Scout funds and assistance from the Garrison, including the ever-talented REME, who built a sun shelter for the wannabee archers and Scouts, an archery range has now been constructed.
Dhekelia Scouts and Cubs now have access to not just a qualified instructor, but a purpose-built archery range and over a dozen bows of various sizes, arrows and all the necessary equipment.
Even with a full take-up by the Scouts, there will be plenty of time for others to use the range, but they will need to form their own club and that was the reason for the ‘Try Day’.
For more information contact Ivor Demain on .